Do your people even know about their wellness options?

Braedon Leslie
3 min readDec 28, 2020

Why wellness as a last resort is the reason no one thinks it works. How you can help put your people in control of their own well-being and happiness with LEON.

What you ought to know

Over the last couple weeks, I took it upon myself to ask a few people about their employee benefits and wellness coverage.

While the response I received may not be representative of the entire population, it sufficed to say two things: people don’t know about their benefits (like, whatsoever) and if they do, they only think about accessing them once they’re already in a sh*tty situation.

Here’s why that won’t work:

  1. Access. If they don’t know about it, they won’t be able to find it or use it.
  2. Utility. If your people only use it once they’ve experienced a crisis or are between a rock and a hard place, it goes against the entire purpose of having a well-being program in the first place.

Employee wellness thrives on three things:

  1. That people can easily access their benefits.
  2. That people use their benefits before they have an issue.
  3. That the program is comprehensive and adaptive.

Why you need to care about well-being

As of 2017, only about 17% of full-time employees had access to a comprehensive wellness program.

Want to know how many people actually want access to a full-stack program? Upwards of 80%.

See the disparity?

Spotting the trends

This brings me to Millennials and Gen-z. Two generations that will make up most if not all of your full-time positions in just a few short years.

Wanna know what they care about? Work-life balance. Culture. Benefits. Mobility. Impact. Image.

Wanna know what LEON is really good at? Helping employers of the present and near-future satisfy each of those conditions for their people.

Here’s a few more things LEON is doing that you should be aware of:

  • Optimizing human performance through predictive and responsive care (first of its kind).
  • Decreasing healthcare spend, turnover, and dissatisfaction with the workplace (like no one else).
  • Speaking to your people in a language they understand (that’d be human).
  • Increasing the accessibility, likeability, and utility of wellness programs through our app (you’re welcome).
  • Promoting self-care, creativity, innovation, and community through our content and provider integrations (remember, they’re people not machines).

Interested? Let us tell you more.

Bridging the gap between HR and people

We get it. HR has more responsibility than the humans even realize.

The last thing you need to worry about is managing another workflow and sifting through more meaningless data sets.

Well-being has often fallen to the wayside for that very reason. It seems like more work than it’s worth. A big fat hassle.

But, what if it wasn’t a hassle? What if it didn’t require that you sift through data sets and make all the decisions?

At LEON, it really is that simple.




And just like that, our futuristic AI will take care of the rest.

*Don’t worry though, we’ve got manual delivery for all you folks who appreciate keeping things the old-fashioned way.

A new workplace renaissance

Work has changed. From the way we view it to the way we approach it and more.

That’s why we’re pioneering the future of human performance — starting with employers and their people.

Using the same physiological metrics and interventions (stress, sleep, work-load, recovery, performance, nutrition) that our founder used to train Olympic athletes, we are create happier, healthier, and more productive workforces.

From our human-centric dashboard, managers will be able to:

  • Track employee and team performance metrics
  • Create baseline measures for success and wellness
  • Push customized Playbooks to your people based on their unique needs and interests
  • Kick back and watch your people’s health, happiness, and productivity skyrocket (aka the LEON effect)

One last thing

Curious what you would see if you had this kind of data on your people?

Would you be brave enough to own this information and capitalize on the opportunities that come from it?

If so, our team is here to support you as you lean into change.

Start with an email. Connect with a real human and get your questions answered.

Click here.

Help make work a place that people want to go. A place where they find community and do impressive things, together.


The LEON Team

