On ideas.

Braedon Leslie
1 min readAug 11, 2020

Have you ever had a friend(s) who you’ve gone some time without seeing and upon reuniting, things pick up like before, like nothing ever changed?

That’s a good feeling.

Do you have a friend(s) that you can very easily hop into a state of flow with and just riff on each others ideas?

That’s another good feeling.

I’ve had lots of good conversations with friends. More than I can remember.

We’ve spent countless hours generating ideas and cool concepts. Thinking big has never been the issue.

However, I find myself at a crossroads, so to speak. How and where do I materialize these ideas? What and who has to happen in order to bring them to life?

There is considerable tension being in this position.

It’s exciting, daunting, intimidating, and fueling. Yes, fueling.

Crossing the chasm between idea generation and shipping an idea into reality is my current focus.

I imagine that starting local and doing something small yet actionable is key.

I look forward to this process.

Thank you.

